A severe storm hit Formentera, Spain, on 14 August 2024, causing extensive damage across the island. This weather event, known as a DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos), brought strong winds exceeding 100 km/h and towering waves that wreaked havoc on the local maritime community.
The storm caused around 40 boats to be smashed against rocks near Illetes and Cala Saona, leading to injuries and significant property damage. In a particularly dramatic incident, a local fisherman, Xicu Torres Costa, was rescued after clinging to a piece of wood for seven hours when his boat capsized in the rough seas. His survival, aided by a spontaneous search effort from local fishermen and residents, has been hailed as nothing short of miraculous (Majorca Daily Bulletin) (4mentera.com).
The storm also led to the damage of several luxury yachts docked in La Savina, further highlighting the widespread impact on Formentera’s marine infrastructure (SYT). The community has since come together to recover from the devastation, demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of adversity.
Over on Twitter, there was also plenty of live action from sailers in the middle of the storm: