But didn’t our athletes do us proud? Across the board, but especially on the water. Yachting, rowing, and paddling – both flat and whitewater – were especially strong for New Zealand. They always have been, reflected historically in our Olympic results, but 2024’s medal tally was outstanding, particularly from our women athletes. Kiwi women shone in so many Olympic events this cycle, outshining the men by some considerable margin.
It shouldn’t be too surprising that an island nation surrounded by the sea and rich in lakes does well in water sports (not sure what’s going on with our swimming though?). That said, many other countries are similarly well endowed but don’t enjoy anywhere near our success in these disciplines. Indeed, when it comes to Olympic medals per capita, even taken across all Olympic events, New Zealand out-performs pretty much everyone. That Kiwi athletes punch above their weight in sailing, rowing and paddling events is incontestable – just look at the medal table! Well done to all of you!
Thankfully, while I’m missing the excitement of the Olympics and our recent success, there’s still plenty to look forward to just over the horizon. The America’s Cup, for instance.
After what seems like ages (but is only four years), the preliminary regattas of the 37th America’s Cup kick off in Barcelona, Spain, in just a week or so.
For the next few months this beautiful city will be buzzing and I’m sure many Kiwi sailing enthusiasts will take in at least some of the racing in person, along with the amazing vibe surrounding the event. The rest, like me, will have to enjoy it vicariously through the media, including this magazine – look out for our coverage from next issue and on our website, www.boatingnz.co.nz.
Enjoy this month’s issue.
John Eichelsheim (Editor)