In the first instance, they are set to be used as crowd patrol for the ITM NZ Sail Grand Prix (SailGP), 18/19 January 2025. Following that, they will be used in a range of tasks including mooring maintenance, wharf inspection, event support and occasional patrol.
The Harbourmaster had specific requirements and also wanted to future-proof the boats for diverse duty requirements. These included customising the seating and centre console, custom folding T-Tops for protection, Ultralon high-grip flooring, lifting Lugs, as well as large padded side bumpers to facilitate safely coming alongside any vessel. The FatCats are fitted with quality Lowrance and Simrad electronics to match the rest of the Harbourmaster fleet. Both vessels were constructed and fitted out in FatCat’s Auckland factory.
Impressed by the stability, space, ride, toughness and versatility of the design during sea trials, the Harbourmaster team is looking forward to putting the new vessels to work. Powered by Suzuki 60hp four-stroke engines giving a service speed of 20 knots and a top speed of 27 knots, they are both reliable and economical to run.
Having previously built multiple FatCat 4500s to survey, including one for the Northland Harbourmaster, the FatCat team is well versed in the demands of government and industry. Managing Director Blair McLay: “We are delighted that out of all the boats and designs that could be chosen, our team and the quality of what we produce has gained the confidence and trust of the most experienced professionals in the industry.”
FatCat boats are wide catamaran boats well suited to recreational or commercial use.