Mind your frames

What is it with people throwing stuff into the water?

Invasive species

Invasive species, both terrestrial and marine, are a fact of life in this interconnected modern world.

What size hook?

Perhaps the biggest mistake people make, other than buying cheap, poor quality fish hooks, is using inappropriately-sized examples.

Something different on the table

For me, spring means early morning fishing expeditions, schooling snapper and the promise of another fishing year.

Weather effects

Just how much does the weather affect fishing success?

Join the tag team

Once the exclusive preserve of those targetting larger gamefish, tagging is now being extended to New Zealand’s inshore species and…

Winter’s sneaking up

On a morning in late April when I had hoped to be chasing anchovy workups, I was unable to find any.

The right hook

Whether you are using bait or a lure, it’s the hooks that catch the fish. Despite their importance, though, most anglers give fish hooks…