One Family’s Boating Journey; Racing to Whangamata

As we kissed our keel ever so slightly on the sandbar the pit of my stomach sank. Had our luck run out at the last possible moment? How did…

Flooring decisions and application; Covering the sole

One of the last major interior decorating decisions I have made is choosing the most appropriate floor covering for the main cabin – the…

125 years of saving lives at sea; Rescue mission

One of New Zealand’s oldest search and rescue institutions, Sumner Lifeboat/ Coastguard Sumner is celebrating 125 years of outstanding…

True Justice

Six years ago Simon Justice sat in his classic timber launch, wondering whether she was worth the trouble. The elderly Ford engine had…

Engine height

Engine height is critical for getting the most from any given boat setup – social, pleasure or race. Put simply, the higher the engine the…

Remembering Vectis

The horizon was a magnet as long as I can remember but like the gold at rainbow’s end, it was always just out of reach. For a few years I…

Lieutenant Home Kidston and his toys Part 3

I left Sub Lt R. H. (Home) A. Kidston aboard H.M.S. Diomede at Suva in June 1934 with the newspapers trumpeting that he had entered the…

Deploy the drogue

Dragging a reliable, suitably-sized drogue slows the boat’s drift, making lure presentation easier and much more effective. A drogue can…

Our boating legacy

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the death of boating legend John Street, MNZM, who passed away on December 21.

Auckland Wooden Boat Festival

The full programme will be published closer to the event – Follow our website, Instagram and Facebook for updates!