One Family’s Boating Journey; That sinking feeling

What a shocking end to our summer! We never saw this plot twister coming!

One Family’s Boating Journey: Life lessons

As our two boys, Rafe and Chris, have discovered when you’re living onboard, life will throw you curveballs.

One Family’s Boating Journey; Racing to Whangamata

As we kissed our keel ever so slightly on the sandbar the pit of my stomach sank. Had our luck run out at the last possible moment? How did…

One Family’s Boating Journey: A bridge too far

The Woodham family’s quest to master safe anchoring continues – starting this time with Islington Bay and its notoriously poor holding.

One Family’s Boating Journey: Weather delays and water woes

A couple of weeks before the September 2023 school holidays, Kirsten planned our anticipated two-week sail. We’ve never sailed north of…

One Family’s Boating Journey: In the bag

In last month’s article you found me returning to Auckland one day after abandoning a trip out to Sauvage for an afternoon picnic I had…

One Family’s Boating Journey; The first sail of spring: FAIL!

Finally, after a long winter with very little sailing, spring is here and it’s time to return to the water!

One Family’s Boating Journey; A picnic too far

As the wave broke over my mother, I knew we had to turn back and that I’d probably never hear the end of our latest adventure. Here’s how…

One Family’s Boating Journey – Leaking windows and weather windows

As I drove Sauvage into the marina, the pitch-black of night engulfed us and I felt my heart hammering. Would I be able to berth us safely…

One Family’s Boating Journey: Tiritiri Matangi and a new tender – maybe

We were so excited – after cyclones and high winds we finally found ourselves with the opportunity for a day excursion on the water.

ONE FAMILY’S BOATING JOURNEY: Ready for offshore adventure

There is something magical and freeing about adventuring beyond New Zealand’s shores, and I feel the mid-year Pacific Rally could draw me…

One Family’s Boating Journey: Simplifying our lives

Fifty metres across the water from where I sit in the sun on Sauvage’s deck lie the red cliffs of Oneura Bay. Yet again, I am struck by the…