Grow your own floating garden

The days when sailors had to survive on a diet of salted pork and ship’s biscuits while scurvy loosened their teeth are long gone, but many…

Saving the Success

A new Heritage Trust has been established to purchase the historic scow Success and restore her as near as possible to original condition…

Of whales and men

The Arctic Circle, at 66 degrees 34 minutes north, was well astern and the compass card, becoming unreliable at these latitudes, danced…

The Serial Collector

There is a private collection of boats in Istanbul that’s always expanding, to the point that any article on the subject has the inevitable…

1970’s Offshore Power Boat Wars – Part II – Detroit Iron

Last issue we learned that Gerard Richards and his mates were V8 racing addicts, seduced by the mighty Mustang and Camaro track cars of the…

Raising Divecat Pt I: Loss, relocation and salvage planning

Now with plenty of time on my hands, I started researching salvage options to work out the feasibility of recovering Divecat myself.

Surviving Ata

It is estimated the Tongan Islands were first populated around 2,500 years ago as part of the Lapita expansion into the Pacific.

Better boat handling: Parking in-between

Make sure your crew is prepared with lines and you have suitable fenders out as the boat is in a very unstable position when lying…

The Journey along Matai Creek to Nelson -The centre of it all

Alex and Lesley Stone and whanau venture up the Maitai Creek, to the very centre of New Zealand.

A popping little cockle

The design became known as a ‘Sounds Popper’ – based on the sound of her single-cylinder, 8hp Yanmar engine – ‘pop, pop, pop’ – which gave…