THE AUSTRALASIAN Institute of Marine Surveyors (AIMS) has set its sights on growing its membership in New Zealand and the wider Australasian region with the appointment of a New Zealand-based board member for the first time in its 36-year history.

AIMS Chairman John Holden said  “Our new board member Greg Marsden, a Maritime New Zealand recognised surveyor based in Wellington and director of Marsden Marine, will help develop and strengthen the linkages between AIMS, the NZ statutory bodies, including MNZ and the wider surveyor network in New Zealand.”

Greg Marsden said AIMS is well positioned to support the marine survey and surveyor community within New Zealand.

“Thhe education and training of marine surveyors is critically important to maintain sufficient capacity within the commercial sector as well as the growing recreational sector,

“As with many industry sectors in NZ, there are skill shortages, and I look forward to working with a range of stakeholders to build capacity, resilience and professional recognition within the industry, including the development of the next generation of marine surveyors.”

Greg served as an engineer in the British Army and Defence industry prior to immigrating with his family to New Zealand in 2012.


Greg said the commercial and recreational shipping industry faces ever increasing challenges, especially in the context of, and likely, post COVID.

AIMS Chairman John Holden said ultimately the transition from a NSW based association to an internationally recognised company is reflective of the growth of the AIMS over recent years and has allowed us to include wider board representation including New Zealand.

“This change will also allow us to look to and expand into other markets in the region including Singapore and Indonesia where we already have an AIMS membership base.”

The AIMS has also seen a change in leadership with CEO Susan Hull stepping down earlier this month after a nine-year tenure. General manager Stacey Taylor will now be the primary point of contact with the Institute.

Stacey Taylor said 2022 would be an important year of reconnecting with the AIMS membership base: “The last two years have provided a challenge for everyone, but we are seeing a real enthusiasm from members who want to meet face to face once again.”