Happy ending

What a long, great trip it’s been: Massachusetts, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Panama Canal, Galápagos, Marquesas, Tuamotus, Society Islands. The…


With 77 atolls sprawled over 130,000 nautical miles in the South Pacific east of Tahiti, the Tuamotu Archipelago is a stunning ocean…

Cruising the Society Islands; Paradise found, glossed, or lost?

Tahiti and the Society Islands have always been many things to many voyagers: a dream, an aspiration, a paradise. What are they now?

Marquesas – the real, real world

Tom and Harriet Linskey break their trans-Pacific journey at the isolated Marquesas Islands, halfway between Panama and New Zealand.

Getting to Galapagos

The 830-mile passage from Panama to the Galapagos – the most direct way home for Kiwi circumnavigators or Kiwis coming over from Europe –…

The short-cut between the seas

Me, go around Cape Horn? Seriously? Do I want to brave roaring high-latitude gales just to earn an earring in my left ear? Um, no!

Puerto Rico to Panama

In the last issue, Tom and Harriet had made it as far as Puerto Rico – two hops out of three on their way to Panama and the Pacific Ocean.…

New Bedford to Puerto Rico

Charts exert a powerful pull for New Zealand sailors. Ever since we’d cruised the trade wind ‘Milk Run’ from Acapulco, Mexico, to Bay of…

NEW REGULAR COLUMN: A new name for a new beginning

Tom and Harriet Linskey had some misgivings about renaming their faithful yacht of many years, but with their changed circumstances, it was…