Emirates Team New Zealand has partnered with world-leading composite specialists, Southern Spars NZ in its attempt to beat the wind-powered land speed record.

With a long history as the go-to partner for Emirates Team New Zealand, Southern Spars is world-renowned for designing and manufacturing carbon fibre spars and rigging – masts and rigging for the America’s Cup and the most luxurious superyachts, wheels for the New Zealand Olympic Track Cycling Team and now a hopefully record-breaking land yacht.

What looks to the untrained eye as a simple, stream-lined vehicle belies the intricate Southern Spars technology underneath.

Production is under way at Southern Spars headquarters in Avondale. Upon completion the different components of the land yacht will be shipped to Australia for the record attempt, which will likely take place in August on one of Australia’s vast salt lakes.

At present, the wind-powered land speed record stands at 202.9km/h – set in the USA by Richard Jenkins onboard his ‘Greenbird’ in 2009.

