10 tips for departing a berth in a twin-engine launch with wind behind, blowing you out.

  1. Rigorously brief crew on the order lines should be released.
  2. Place crew in position of least visibility from helm station with a roving fender and a means of communication.
  3. With the wind astern, there is no need for speed so definitely slow is pro.
  4. A brief kick into gear on both engines will give you the required momentum.
  5. Do not attempt to turn too soon or your stern will hit the berth or pile. Just continue straight out of the berth for as long as is practicable.
  6. Once sufficient sea-room has been created astern, idle astern on the relevant engine to turn in the desired direction.
  7. When the vessel begins to gather reasonable astern momentum, begin idling forward on the other engine to rotate the vessel efficiently.
  8. Continue rotating the vessel until the bow is closer to where the wind is coming from than is the stern.
  9. On a windy day, maintain the angle of yaw as detailed in point 8 (as required) until you are clear of the sub-fairway.
  10. For safety, stay on the windward side of a narrow sub-fairway, unless another vessel is approaching, which will require a move to starboard.