Caring for your anchor rode

When did you last wash your anchor warp? Not a common maintenance item, but something that may be worth considering, especially if your…

ENGINE COMPUTERS: A curse or a blessing?

Everything seems to be controlled by a computer these days, including boat engines. Those of us with more than a few decades under our belt…

Spot the hazards – Norman Holtzhausen

It is your responsibility to make sure your boat complies with the maritime rules regarding navigation lights.

Sharper returns

Fish finding technology has evolved in leaps and bounds, but to get the best results you need to give your MFD a good ‘mate’ – a quality…

Go plastic young man

As long as a boat’s hull stays wet outside and dry inside, the boat will float. But sometimes you do need to allow in a controlled amount…

Thrust you can afford

A casual examination of boats in a marina usually reveals a litany of battlescars – scrapes and dings sustained during tricky berthing…

Switching it up

A neat, logical helm layout makes a big difference when trying to operate your boat, particularly when the sun starts to set and you head…

A clear view

Although windscreen wipers are a legal requirement on cars, many boats, especially small to medium models, lack these.

Modernising your stereo

One of the great things about technology is the pace of change, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the mobiles we carry in our…

Battery monitoring

On a typical boat, batteries are ignored, abused and unloved – and yet are asked to deliver maximum power at start-up. Is it any wonder…